Happy New Year!

We’d like to start of the new year by welcoming the new lab members:

  • Chemistry & MCMP Graduate Students: Minhas Sakib, Shakhzodjon Uzokboev and Shahadat Hossain

  • Biochemistry Graduate Students: Amirhesam Mashaollahi and Lucas Kramer (Co-mentor: Vikki Weake).

Hopefully everyone had the time to relax and enjoy the holidays. Best of luck this year as you work hard in your research endeavors!

Research Breakthrough in Parkinson's Disease

Our group applied EV proteomics and phosphoproteomics to identify putative diagnostic biosignatures for Parkinson’s Disease. The findings could lead to noninvasive testing for the early diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease. The paper was publish in Communications Medicine, please click here.

Additionally, there are several news reports on this work, please check out the links below.
Purdue Team Identifies Urinary Protein Markers for Parkinson's Disease - GenomeWeb
Urine Test for Parkinson's Disease - Labroots
New liquid biopsy method offers potential for noninvasive Parkinson’s disease testing - Agriculture News
Purdue researchers discover urine test for Parkinson's - Purdue Exponent
More news here…